The Importance of Emerging Technologies
N o one can deny that technology is an indispensable need in our everyday lives. We are all so reliant on technology that we are unable to function without it. Technology is significant because it is employed in every aspect of life. When you consider your daily routine and tally all of the technological gadgets you use in a single day, you will understand how vital technology is when you use a mobile phone, watch TV, drive a car, use a computer, or use any electrical machine. Saskriti university, the best university has advanced courses for students who are interested in technology. The article brings in about why do we have to learn about the emerging technology today. Every day, the reliance on technology grows, whether in communication, transportation, information search, or entertainment. With the advancement of space technology, humans have also reached the moon. Technology may help with the present while simultaneously bringing the future closer. As a result, technology